
Fabricación de las torres.

Hub height

100 meters

Wind turbine


Number of towers

47 towers

Year of Construction

2019 – 2020

Tower Type

Full-Concrete Tower / Tower Design: NORDEX


NORDEX Energy South Africa (Pty) LTD

Local Partnership

In 2019, NORDEX awarded ACME* the project to manufacture 47 concrete towers for the Roggeveld wind farm, currently owned by Building Energy and awarded to G7 Renewable Energies in the fourth round of the REIPPPP (Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement Programme).

The 100-meter-high towers, designed by Nordex, were manufactured at the Cape Town facilities of our local partner Concrete Units. Previously, in 2014, Concrete Units and WINDTECHNIC had already used the same factory to manufacture another 46 towers for the same client.

*ACME is a South African company 50% owned by  WINDTECHNIC  and Concrete Units.

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